Home & Real Estate - 家居、房產2020-05-04
"CNP Elite Tower, Plot Number 4, Door Number – 3-11-206/4, Road Number -5, Sri Shankar colony, Seris Road, L.B Nagar , Hyderabad 500074."
城市: Hyderabad
省: Telangana
郵編: 500074
國家/地區: India
電話: 8978426661
CNP Constructions - Independent house, apartments and flats in south end park, Lb Nagar.
CNP Construction’s is one of the experienced Real Estate company which offer a wide range of related services with all the genuine and confidence of the customer. Our aim is to deliver well experienced and expertized real estate services by adopting new technologies and applying new work concepts.
CNP Construction’s dedicated team and site engineers and technical staff are supported by a loyal team of subcontractors. We only build association with professional subcontractors. We (CNP Constructions) continue to invest in modern business practices in order to ensure that we remain at the cutting edge in construction domain. We continue to build on our reputation with our focus firmly on growing the ability of the business to deliver in new and innovative ways.
Our ambition and goals have always been to deliver quality projects and value for money to our clients; our success and reputation today have been testament to this wisdom.
最后更新 2020-05-04 17:20:2743.241.120.*
[家居、房產] - www.cnpconstruct*ons.com/
- UTF-8 - 2020-05-04
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