搜索相關: 有機食品 - 豆制品 - 飲料 - 糕餅面包 - 罐頭食品 - 烹飪設備 - 乳制品 - 食用油 - 蛋制品 - 速食食品 - 食品添加劑 - 食品代理 - 食品加工 - 食品設備 - 食品項目合作 - 食品存貨 - 速凍食品 - 保健食品 - 蜜制品 - 肉制品 - 面條、粉絲 - 其他 - 休閑食品 - 調味品 - 淀粉 - 糖類 - 茶 - 食品
2023-03-13 Sorbead - Manager / Food - Sorbead India - 有機食品 - - 136.232.125.*
An oxygen absorber for dried fruits and nuts is essential during packaging to absorb the unwanted oxygen from the packaging. This safeguards the dried fruits from mold, mildew, fungus and rancidity. E... (42/1)
2023-03-07 Subramanian - owner / Food - Halwa Hub - 有機食品 - - 45.116.114.*
onweb Sweet Shop, Ghee Halwa, Banana Chips, Savouries, MysorePak, Jilebi, Mixture, Boondhi, Jangiri, and Omapodi, Authentic Indian Sweets, Buy Sweets onweb, Order Sweets onweb in India... (88/1)
2023-01-09 Lucas - seo / sdc - Arshine Food Additives Co., Ltd. - 有機食品 - - 216.24.181.*
sweeteners, preservatives, acidulants, thickeners, flavors, antioxidants, proteins, phosphatases, vitamins, nutritional supplements and herbal extracts... (84/1)
2022-12-21 泰鮮 - 公司 - 上海泰鮮農產品配送有限公司 - 其他 - 58.241.254.* - 訪問網站
上海泰鮮農產品配送有限公司主要提供:農副產品配送、上海農產品配送、上海蔬菜配送、上海生鮮配送、食堂原材料批發、上海副食品配送等,配送全程嚴格把關,上海農副產品配送電話-18001660650... (45/1)
2022-12-21 Oxygen Absorbers - Manager / Food - Oxygen Absorbers - 食品項目合作 - - 136.232.125.* - 訪問網站
Oxygen Absorbers that offer the perfect solution to all packaging issues against the growth of oxygen, moisture, the proliferation of bacteria and spoilage, mold, and mildew.... (47/1)
2022-12-08 Ivy Jiang - business - BTMA-company - 食用油 - - 115.57.144.* - 訪問網站
oil press line manufacture... (44/1)
2022-09-23 劉源 - 黨組書記兼董事長 / 董事會 - 成都市冠卓品牌設計責任有限公司 - 其他 - - 117.136.6.*
logo設計/海報設計/UI設計/包裝設計/產品設計/PS設計/平面設計/CAD建筑設計/室內設計/裝修設計/店鋪設計/軟件開發等業務... (63/1)
2022-09-20 冠酒臺 - 公司 - 貴州冠酒臺酒業有限公司 - 其他 - 114.239.253.* - 訪問網站
貴州冠酒臺酒業有限公司主要經營:冠酒臺、酒上飛 、妙天彩、醬香藝彩等醬香酒,貴州醬香酒電話-138179999191... (50/1)
2022-06-05 Rashid Alzaabi Foodstuff - SALES AGENT / SALES - Rashid Alzaabi Foodstuff - 有機食品 - - 83.110.90.*
We provide natural olive oil and food products with 100% gurantee for quality (ORIGINAL).... (64/1)
2022-05-27 Ella Hendrix - Marketing Executive - First Food Machinery Ltd - 食品設備 - - 80.192.59.*
Vacuum Packers
Tray Sealers
Vacuum Food Sealers
Vacuum Packaging Machine
Food Packaging Machinery [hire/sale]
Food Processing Machinery [hire/sale]... (122/1)