Jivamukti Yoga
Jivamukti Yoga is a path to liberation through compassion for all beings. Founded by Sharon Gannon & David Life in 1984, it is one of the most popular yoga styles practiced around the world today, mixing rigorous yoga asana with the practices of non-violence, chanting & listening, scriptural study, meditation practice, and devotion to god/higher-self.www.jivam*ktiyoga.com
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The Home Page of Yin Yoga
[待更新] ![](http://www.jnhcswzx.com/img/site_l.gif)
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Magazine of the Bihar School of Yoga
Yoga Magazine - Magazine of the Bihar School of Yoga. Discourses, Yoga Research, Yoga Articles and more from one of the worlds most respected yoga schools.www.yogama*.net
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an Index to Yoga Information and Resources
An onweb magazine about the practice of yoga and meditation. Includes articles, texts, a directory of top yoga sites, a listing of yoga centers, and helpful resources.www.yogam*vement.com
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be yoga
Yoga studio and wellness center in the Dilworth neighborhood of Charlotte, NC. Featured Classes include Vinyasa Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Slow Flow, Deep Stretch, Integral Yoga, Prenatal Yoga and Yoga Basics. Charlotte, NCwww.beyo*aandwellness.com
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[待更新] ![](http://www.jnhcswzx.com/img/site_l.gif)
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Free meditation...
Meditation is an effective form of stress reduction and has the potential to improve quality of life. Learn how to meditate with free meditation course.www.freem*ditation.com
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