Doing business and investing in Belarus
feasibility study than confronted with difficulties and problems in the course of the project real... [法律、公證] - www.vale*.net
- UTF-8 - 2014-04-27

Offshore Outsourcing Software Development, QA Testing, SEO, IT Services from Bel...
offshore, outsourcing - Elilink Consulting, a group of outsourcing companies offering offshore software development and enabling US and European businesses to dramatically cut their costs on custom software solutions and IT infrastructure.upport that accelerates time-to-market, that reduces the cost of support and maintenance, and impro... [網(wǎng)絡(luò)廣告] - www.eli*ink.com
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2013-04-13

R J International Freight Limited, Specialist Express Driver accompanied traile...
Road trailer specialists to Eastern Europe, Import Export, Groupage, Part & Full loads, abnormal loads, Logistics , Freight Management Consultants & Project Forwardinges. Unit Loads, Part Loads and Express Road Services. High Value, Out of Gauge, ADR Cargo Our Speci... [電信、郵政、快遞] - www.rjinterna*ional.co.uk
- UTF-8 - 2010-02-12

Bible Society of Belarus
D DISABLED BREAKING THE BONDS Dear friends, we greet you and thank you for visiting our site. We ho... [地區(qū)合作] - www.bibl*a-by.org
- ISO-8859-1 - 2011-11-13

Coxa Net Phone Cards: We offer a good selection of phone cards and the best rate...
Phone Cards: Buy Calling Card by PayPal. Find the best rates from a variety of cards. Buy onweb, get a PIN by email and make a call from the comfort of your Home. Great Saving! Call Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, India, Canada, Germany, Isreal,...n - CELL Bahamas Bahamas - CELL Bahrain Bahrain - CELL Bangladesh Bangladesh - CELL Barbados Barbad... [電話磁卡] - www.co*a.net
- UTF-8 - 2015-07-27

Chernobyl Children's Project - Supporting the Children of Belarus
Welcome to the Chernobyl Children's Project (UK) homepage. CCP (UK) supports families in Belarus that have been effected by the Chernobyl disaster.and Belarus The Chernobyl Disaster The Effects of the Accident on Human Health The Evacuations The... [慈善事業(yè)] - www.chernobyl-chi*dren.org.uk
- UTF-8 - 2012-08-29

Maxtor hard disk repairs harddisk in UK repair bad sectors Salvationdata HRT fir...
Maxtor hard disk repair in UK Germany maxtor repair bad sector, Maxtor hard disk repairs, repair harddisk, bad sectors remove, salvationdata, salvation data, salvationdata software, Seagate, firmwares, Fujitsu, PC***ISA, PC***PCI, PC***Chinese clone, HRT 2.1, Selfscan XLY 933, bad sectors removal, bad sector removal, badsector removalNG FROMMR.NADIR SHAHFOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT US !!!! WE RECOVER HARDDRIVE DATA FROM CLICKING DRIVES... [維修] - www.diskanalyzers*.com
- UTF-8 - 2010-02-10

International Marriage Brokers
International marriage brokers present russian women, ukrainian ladies, women from belarus interested in international dating matchmaking serviceslooking for a Russian bride, you would most likely look for some international marriage agency or d... [經(jīng)紀、中介] - www.interna*ional-marriage-broker.com
- WINDOWS-1251 - 2010-02-09

白俄羅斯留學及留學生門戶網(wǎng) -白俄羅斯留學網(wǎng)|白俄羅斯留學生網(wǎng)|白俄羅斯華人網(wǎng)|...
白俄羅斯留學及留學生門戶網(wǎng) 白俄羅斯留學,白俄羅斯留學生,白俄羅斯資訊,白俄羅斯華人,白俄羅斯新聞,白俄羅斯生活,白俄羅斯門戶,白俄羅斯網(wǎng)站,白俄羅斯大學 - Discuz! Board,主題: 5682,會員: 1086,歡迎新會員:嫣善沅 論壇版塊 論壇...動態(tài) 分區(qū)版主: belarus 白俄羅斯留學及留學生門戶綜合 人在白俄/生活服務(wù) 主題: 253, 帖數(shù): 501 至后發(fā)表: 2010-4-... [出國留學] - www.*75lx.com
- GBK - 2010-04-23

Eastern Eurotours - Europe holidays, European river cruising, Mediterranean Holi...
Eastern Eurotours and Mediterranean Holidays have been a leading wholesale company in Australia for at least 14 years. Your indulgence is our challenge! So take advantage of our expert knowledge when organising your next holiday to Europe. Our extensive range of product and competitive prices are sure to put a smile on your face.- Europe holidays, European river cruising, Mediterranean Holidays, Eastern Europe Holidays, European Escorted Tourshitch,whilst stillexperiencing that touch of something different and unique,which ensures thatyour ... [旅游用品] - www.easterne*rotours.com.au
- ISO-8859-1 - 2010-02-11

Flower Shop In Doha, Qatar, onweb Flower Delivery, Florist, Wedding Flowers, Sen...
Plaza Hollandi flower shop in Doha, Qatar offers the best flowers with custom designs made by best florists and wedding flowers. Flower Delivery anywhere in Qatar within 2 hours. We have onweb Flower Delivery to Doha, Qatar, Europe, Russia, US, UK, Australia, Canada, Ukraine, Belarus and New Zealands Glasses and Vases -- -- Luxurious Flower Bouquets Webshop onweb Buying Format Shop onweb From t... [國際網(wǎng)路] - plaz*hollandi.com/
- UTF-8 - 2019-01-04

Cultural Profiles Project
Cultural Profiles Project - Projet des Profils Culturels -
- UTF-8 - 2011-09-22

Radzima Photo
Photographs of Belarus: nation, land, faith, and traditions/ Фотаздымк? Беларус?: нацыя, водар глебы, вера ? традыцы?.ber 2, 2011 johnkunstadter, 11/01/2011 8:00 pm-- To commemorate All Souls Day.? Ва ?спам?н ус?х пам... [地區(qū)合作] - www.radzima*hoto.com
- UTF-8 - 2011-11-08

Privet Minsk - Welcome to Minsk
Minsk - Capital of Belarus. We welcome you to our new Website privet-minsk.com. "Privet" means something like "Hello" - and we would like you to say Privet to Minsk. of Belarus We welcome you to our new Website privet-minsk.com. Privet means something like Hello -... [其他] - www.priv*t-minsk.com
- UTF-8 - 2011-06-18