Compound Libraries | Inhibitors | Virtual Screening - TargetMol
TargetMol offers compound libraries and a wide range of high-quality research chemicals
including inhibitors, activator, natural compounds, peptides, inhibitory antibodies, and novel life-science kits,
for laboratory and scientific use. Besides, virtual screening service is also available for customers
who would like to conduct the computer-aided drug discovery.uct Library for CADD Drug-like Compound Libraries Compound Libraries for HTS/HCS Fragment Libraries... [化學試劑] - targetmo*.com
- UTF-8 - 2023-03-22

MetroNet - Metropolitan Public Libraries Network (MetroNet) Inc
wind up Metronet as an incorporated society to make way for the establishment of the Association of... [其他] - www.me*ronet.org.nz
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2011-07-05

Home - BAPLA
BAPLA represents image licensors. BAPLA is the UK trade association for picture libraries and agencies, now incorporating a broad and diverse membership.n Copyright FOCUS 2014 Image Suppliers All Image Suppliers Media Researchers Media Buying Resources... [食品項目合作] - www.*apla.org.uk
- UTF-8 - 2022-04-01

7th Annual International Conference on Computer Games Multimedia Allied Technol...
CGAT 2013, 6TH Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology raises a platform for the Asian Gaming Community to realize, recognize, and reveal the technological interplay at work behind the immersive and compelling world of gaming. The conference mantles the experience, expertise, and technological know-how flowing in from academicians, researchers, and industry professionals and provides an apt platform for view and review.to. The Conference Themes on Animation,Multimedia, IPTV, Edutainment, Mobile, Virtual Reality nunc... [游戲] - www.cgames*.com.sg
- UTF-8 - 2013-12-17

Pendle Borough Council Homepage - Telephone: 01282 661661
sed reporting system to tell us abou...t flytipping, grafitti or dog poo. ?... [其他] - www.pendl*.gov.uk
- UTF-8 - 2012-11-02

Friends of African Village Libraries | Home
ries Donate Volunteer Libraries Links About Fran?ais Blog Supporting village libraries in Africa FA... [婚介、交友] - www.f*vl.org
- ISO-8859-1 - 2012-09-25

Custom Luxury Homes - Washington D.C., Northern Virginia, South Carolina, Maryla...
Builder of luxury homes in the Washington D.C. area, Mt. Vernon, Northern Virginia, South Carolina, Maryland, Florida - General contractor for new homes, renovations, custom millwork, custom molding, excavating equipment - home design experts - Boucher Buildersorge Washington University, joined the firm twenty five years ago as President. Over the past thirt... [不動產項目合作] - www.luxury-home-b*ilder.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-06-30

Kidzworld - Kids directory of kids party venues, child friendly restaurants, pet...
www.kidzworld.co.za is a comprehensive onweb kids directory and parenting portal for informed parents that allows parents (and their supporters - grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, nosy neighbours, family members and family friends) quick and easy access to information on infant and child related products and services throughout South Africa.cakesKids party equipmentKids party cateringKids party shopsKids party photographersKids costumes, ... [玩具設計加工] - www.ki*zworld.co.za
- UTF-8 - 2013-03-02

Vet Web Designers is the leader in animal hospital websites offering affordable...
Vet Web Designers is the worldwide leader in affordable Animal Hospital Websites and Budget Veterinary Websiteswe won't try to sell you a website one pixel at a time. We won't sell you a template that looks ju... [醫療服務] - www.ve*webdesigners.com
- WINDOWS-1252 - 2012-09-23

National Museum jobs
Jobs in UK national museums, galleries, libraries and archives.your workload to meet the deadlines for the display of objects. This is a fixed-term contract unti... [古董和收藏品] - www.nationalmuseumjobs*.org.uk
- UTF-8 - 2017-08-29

Implementing QR Codes in Libraries
ts. - or you can - Watch people use your library. - or you can - Learn about the people you serve. ... [移動電話] - www.implement*ngqrcodesinlibraries.org
- UTF-8 - 2013-05-27

Access-It Library and Resource Manager
Access-It Library software is designed as a powerful SQL and web-based library automation system. It is designed for schools, colleges, FE (Further Education) and corporate libraries, and is available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux platforms.Software for a presentation or more information, please email to helpdesk@accessitsoftware.com. Ove... [軟件] - www.a*cessitsoftware.com
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-05-17

North Devon Council - 01271 327711
North Devon Councill map Local facilities Local plan Planning Public toilets-- Public amenities Roads and transport Wa... [公共服務] - www.no*thdevon.gov.uk
- ISO-8859-1 - 2014-07-16

Tape Data Recovery | New York data Recovery Services
Need Data Recovery? Tape failed? Data lost? Tape burnt? If you are suffering from tape problems and are looking for Tape data Recovery in New York.24/7 Data Recovery Service. Emergency data recovery services also available.cartridge that has been damaged due to any of the following disasters and damages: Heat and Smoke ... [軟件] - www.n*w-york-data-recovery.com
- UTF-8 - 2012-04-24

Tanzania Development Gateway
The Tanzania Development Gateway is an Internet portal that provides and promotes on-line networking, sharing, exchange and dissemination of knowledge, ideas and information on development matters.in the offing UN supports school feeding programme MPs focus on mothers? health Pinda moves to ease... [地區合作] - www.tanzaniagat*way.org
- ISO-8859-1 - 2011-11-17