Ubuntu Choirs Network: Home
An international network of inclusive, non-auditioned choirs, communicty-focused, and socially engaged.of choirs who believe that the joy of singing is a universal birthright, and that together, regardl... [軟件] - www.ubuntuch*irs.net
- UTF-8 - 2014-09-27

Ubuntu Portal - Everything About Ubuntu Linux
Provide Content about ubuntu news, ubuntu how to, tips and Apps review . We try our best to give very simple News and articles with clear English supported with screenshots and video so that all user levelsnt Stuff Games Videos Ubuntu Portal Ubuntu Portal 0 How to / Stuff 22 Sep, 2014 How to Make Lubuntu... [軟件] - www.ubuntup*rtal.com
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Ubuntu Mini Remix - The tiny Ubuntu you can build on!
230MB Ubuntu livecd containing only the minimal Ubuntu package set. Wonderful as a rescue disk or as a base for Ubuntu derivative creation.12.10 Ubuntu Mini Remix 12.04 Ubuntu Mini Remix 11.10 Ubuntu Mini Remix 11.04 Ubuntu Mini Remix 10.... [軟件] - www.ubuntu-mini-re*ix.org
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Ubuntu Türkiye | Ubuntu Türkiye Anasayfa...
ntu, Linux Anasayfa Forum SUDO Wiki ...Gezegen ?leti?im ubuntu-tr Menü ??er... [軟件] - www.ubun*u-tr.net
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Ubuntu Christian Edition -- Linux For Christians
This is the project page for Ubuntu Christian Edition.dard desktop application from word processing and spreadsheet applications to web server software a... [軟件] - www.ub*ntuce.com
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Ubuntu Philippines
ional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! The Ubunt... [其他] - www.u*untu-ph.org
- UTF-8 - 2011-07-04

Ubuntu Group
Ubuntu Technologies helps clients to reach or exceed their business objectivesontract awards and management in various sectors of Government, State Owned Enterprises and the Cor... [商務(wù)服務(wù)] - www.ubuntu*a.co.za
- UTF-8 - 2013-04-02

Ubuntu Tutorials and How to's How to Ubuntu
Ubuntu Tutorials and How to'sware Centre or the Terminal. It also expect experience running other Basic Terminal Commands. How t... [軟件] - www.howtoub*ntu.org
- UTF-8 - 2014-09-28

Ubuntu Indonesia | Forum Pengguna Ubuntu Indonesia
Forum dan Chating untuk para Pengguna Ubuntu di IndonesiaopikRamai PesanAktif PesanBelumDibalas Anda belum log in. [ Login ] Ubuntu Indonesia Forum Daftarka... [軟件] - www.ubuntu-indone*ia.com
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Ubuntu MATE | Ubuntu MATE
system that beautifully integrates the MATE desktop. Learn more Screenshots Here are a few screens... [軟件] - www.*buntu-mate.org
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Ubuntued - Tudo sobre Ubuntu
Blog prático oferece artigos que ajudam o utilizador a conhecer, otimizar e a personalizar o Ubuntu. Encontre temas, dicas, programas e muito mais!sistemas da Microsoft, as empresas e servi?os públicos procuram manter o mesmo hardware, escolhendo... [軟件] - www.ubuntu*d.info
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Ubuntu-fr | Communauté francophone d'uti...
ation La boutique Les revendeurs libre Documentation Forum Planet Obtenir Ubuntu Télécharger Ubuntu... [軟件] - www.ubunt*-fr.org
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Ubuntu Sverige | Ubuntu Sverige
ing Forum Dokumentation Bloggar Chatt S?ndlista Helt nya ubuntu 14.04 Snabbt, fritt och otroligt l?... [軟件] - www.ubuntu-s*.org
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Ubuntu Ireland | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal
nual March MUG Madness, and we’re thrilled that the number of requests to take part has only contin... [軟件] - www.ubun*u-ie.org
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Ubuntu-gr | Η ελληνικ? κοιν?τητα του Ubu...
ε?κολα με τι? υπ?ρχουσε? υποδομ?? σ...ου. Κατ?βασε το Ubuntu Server Editio... [軟件] - www.ubu*tu-gr.org
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