搜索相關: 嬰兒用品 - 箱包、袋 - 乾電池 - 床上用品 - 蠟燭 - 鐘表 - 衣架、衣夾 - 化妝品 - 輕工設備 - 飾品 - 門鈴 - 眼鏡 - 香料、香精 - 相框、畫框 - 家具 - 清潔用具 - 家居用品代理 - 日用品項目合作 - 家居用品庫存 - 園藝 - 家用紙品 - 家用紡織 - 器皿 - 嬰兒服裝 - 金銀珠寶 - 廚具 - 個人保養 - 衛浴用品 - 打火機 - 照明與燈具 - 量具 - 縫紉 - 其他 - 滅害 - 寵物及用品 - 肥皂、洗滌劑 - 餐具 - 電動玩具 - 塑料玩具 - 其他 - 玩具車 - 玩具模型 - 益智玩具 - 填充、絨毛玩具 - 水上玩具 - 木制玩具 - 娃娃 - 玩具船、飛機 - 玩具配件 - 電子寵物 - 電子游戲機 - 魔術玩具 - 仿真玩具 - 玩具代理 - 樂器玩具 - 玩具球 - 庫存玩具 - 幼教玩具 - 嬰兒玩具 - 玩具設計加工 - 傘、雨具 - 理發器具 - 家居用品
文章 - DIY Christmas Ornaments With Flower Paper - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 116.48.31.*
This easy Christmas tree ornament craft for kids is super simple to make and turns out so cute! You’ll just need a few supplies like paper doilies and a craft stick. I love that the entire craft can b ...(13/1)
文章 - Silver Doilies - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 116.48.31.*
Paper Doilies can easily turn a dull table setting into a spectacular, elegant table décor. Use larger doilies such as the 12’’ or 10’’ White Normandy Lace Doilies under plates to dress up your dinner ...(8/1)
服務項目 - 增加螺桿泵出口壓力措施—上海油水分離器 - 廚具 - 上海油水分離器 - 49.89.131.* - 訪問網站
螺旋泵的裝置包括原動機、變速傳動裝置和螺旋泵三部分,(全自動油水分離器)所示,具體是由螺旋葉片1、泵軸2、軸承座 螺旋泵裝置3和外殼4組成的。螺旋泵傾斜裝在上、下水池之間,螺旋泵的下端葉片浸入到水面以下。當泵軸旋轉時,螺旋葉片將水池中的水推入葉槽,水在螺旋的旋轉葉片作用下,沿螺旋軸一級一級往上提升,直至螺旋泵的出水口。螺旋泵只改變流體的位能,它不同于葉片式水泵將機械能轉換為輸送液體的位能和動能。 ...(7/1)
文章 - Paper Doilies - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Food Grade Paper Doilies
Our paper doilies is 100% virgin wood pulp Adopt the original wood pulp, do not contain fluorescent agent, safe and health.High temperature resistance. Resistance of Baking P ...(67/1)
文章 - How To Color Paper Doilies? - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Now , we can see more and more colorful paper doilies to be use . Using them to make flowers buntings , paper cones ,place cards and to wrap cupcakes, paper bags , gifts and so on . Not difficult to u ...(20/1)
文章 - How Can We Make Paper Straws Better - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
It is very important for us to keep away from plastics. They become more and more indispensable in all walks of life, but plastic packaging and throw cups and plates etc. are very harmful for the envi ...(20/1)
文章 - How Do You Put Paper Straws For Candy Apples - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 219.77.240.*
Have you ever eat candy apples? Are they delicious? But do you know the paper straws how to put in? here let me tell you.
Before starting, you should know the paper straws are put in candy apples i ...(7/1)
文章 - How Strong Are Paper Straws - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 42.200.238.*
In 2018, McDonald use paper straws replace plastic straws. There was some controversy. There have one saying paper straws dissolved before a drink could be finished, with milkshakes particularly hard ...(13/1)
文章 - What Are Good About Using Paper Straws - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 42.3.134.*
Today more and more people choose paper straw. And what advantage they have. Here some benefit about using paper straws.
Paper straws take less time to biodegrade
We throw our waste straws into th ...(11/2)
文章 - Why You Need Silver Doilies In Your Home - Jinan Guangmei Paper Products Co., Ltd - 輕工設備 - Cindy Feng - 42.200.238.*
No one can overlook the importance of silver doilies can creating a perfect ambiance for your home or your event. Silver doilies are used by a lot of interior decorators and artists to create very won ...(24/1)