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供應信息 - Silicon Oil Fan Clutch - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
The fan speed is lower than the drive shaft, which will cause a great impact on the connection parts. The diameter of the heavy truck fan It is very large, and the inertia is also large. The fan follo ...(106/1)
供應信息 - Proper Use And Maintenance Of Truck Air Conditioning - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 42.3.124.* - 訪問網站
1. Before starting the truck, do not open the air conditioning first but open the window
With the accumulation of heat from the sun of a day, when we open the door, we suffer greatly from the heat wa ...(22/1)
產品庫 - W-beam Highway Guardrail - 交通安全 - waveguardrai - 1.168.220.* - 訪問網站
W-beam highway guardrail sets on the roadside or middle of the road, especially on sharp curves and slops.
W-beam highway guardrails are widely used for highway safety, and fixed on the side of the ...(47/1)
文章 - Voith VRhydraulic Retarder - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
Voith VR133-2 hydraulic retarder
Features and Advantages :
High vehicle safety;
Reduce the operating frequency of the traveling brake up to 90%, keep the traveling brake in the cold state, and cope ...(30/1)
文章 - China National Heavy Duty Truck Export Growth - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
According to Zhang Yuzong, general manager of Sinotruk International, Sinotruk exported 32,685 heavy trucks from January to October, up 9.24% year-on-year.
The export revenue reached 9.53 billion R ...(45/1)
服務項目 - 別墅雨棚特征——上海鋁合金車棚 - 運輸、倉儲 - 上海鋁合金車棚 - 122.195.181.* - 訪問網站
別墅鋁合金車棚的抗壓作用非常明顯,至重要的原因仍是在于其主體結構選用高強度鈦鋁合金,(上海庭院門)頂棚選用聚碳酸酯板材,故而具有明顯的優勢作用。別墅鋁合金車棚的主體結構材質選用的是高強度鈦鋁合金骨架,可頑強抵抗12級臺風的侵襲。別墅鋁合金車棚的型材外表處理選用靜電粉末噴涂工藝,極具耐腐蝕性。別墅鋁合金車棚的抗沖擊性。聚碳酸酯板的抗沖擊強度是一般玻璃的250-300倍,是鋼化玻璃的兩倍,幾乎沒有開裂 ...(28/1)
產品庫 - Highway Guardrail With Excellent Osion And Tensile Strength - 交通安全 - China Traffic Guardr - 1.168.210.*
Thrie-beam highway guardrail, can be divided into roadside barrier and median barrier according to position settings, are widely set on the roadside or middle of the road, especially on the sharp curv ...(38/1)
產品庫 - An Overview Of Guardrail Installation - 交通安全 - ChinaTrafficGuardrai - 222.135.75.* - 訪問網站
The consequences of not having guardrails on major roads are better left imagined; they provide much needed safety to pedestrians plying such roads.Guardrails are safety borders erected to prevent or ...(49/1)
文章 - Common Faults Of Brake Drum - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 207.46.227.* - 訪問網站
The brake drum is a component used in the braking system to generate braking force that hinders vehicle movement or movement trends. Braking by friction with the brake linings. As one of the core comp ...(26/1)
文章 - Wiper Assembly And Brake Light Switch - 汽車配件 - sinotrukhowo - 114.42.192.* - 訪問網站
The wiper assembly is generally composed of a wiper motor, a connecting rod, a wiper arm and a wiper blade. The function is to wipe off the raindrops and dust attached to the windshield of the vehicle ...(50/1)